Saturday, July 30, 2011

RalphDSpam: Y U NO update!?

Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted recently.  Well, I am working on a program that may or may not cause a paradigm shift in the use of sound in calculator games.

To quote the script of Captain EO:
Captain EO: Very beautiful within, your highness, but without a key to unlock it. And that is my gift to you.
Supreme Leader: So, let me see this gift.
Captain EO: Not only see, your highness, but hear.

[Captain EO breaks into song and dance.]

In other news, I am also working on a project that involves the video game crash of 1983.
I'm sorry.  I don't have an obscure reference for this announcement.

Stay tuned for more announcements!


  1. For your I vi IV V7 Chord Progression Song List here is another song: we're not gunna talk it

  2. Is that script part of the sound in your game? :o
